【Solo exhibition at TOKYO Koenji & NY Brooklyn "BLK GALLERY" from 3/11】
お知らせが遅くなりましたが、日付が変わった本日(3/11)からは高円寺とNYのブルックリンにある「BLK GALLERY @blk.gallery 」さんで展示が始まります。

BLK GALLERYはいつもお世話になっているCLOUDS COFFEE + GALLERYさんの姉妹店です。ギャラリーの形態は少し変わっていて、ショーウィンドウのみのギャラリーとなっており、販売はオンラインのみとなっております。


今回はいつもと違ってショーウィンドウのみでの展示ということもあり、普段は作らない大きなサイズ(A1サイズ)のジークレープリント(木製パネルに貼り付け加工済み)で、高円寺とNY Brooklynにそれぞれ1点ずつ展示しています。


下記に詳細を記載しておりますので、ご確認いただけたら幸いです。オンラインショップは「BLK GALLERY @blk.gallery」のアカウントのURLからご覧ください。


The my exhibition started today (3/11) at "BLK GALLERY @blk.gallery" in Koenji and Brooklyn, NY.

"BLK GALLERY" is show window gallery located on a trendy cobblestone shopping street in Tokyo, Koenji as well as a minimalist gallery in Greenpoint, Brooklyn New York.

Art works are sold only in online site.
Therefore, you can see 24hours during the period of the exhibition both the window exhibition and the online exhibition.

Online shop of BLK GALLERY is International shipping is available.

This time, unlike the usual exhibition works, I will exhibit a large size giclee print. ( A1size, With authentic autograph )

Only one work is exhibited in the window gallery, but total of 10 works have been posted online, it will be the same specification as the one displayed in the window gallery.

If you like, please check the BLK GALLERY.

instagram account : @blk.gallery
Akira Kusaka Exhibition


3/11 sat - 4/2 sun 2023
at BLK GALLERY (Tokyo & NY Brooklyn)

instagram   @blk.gallery
online shop   https://blkgallery.com/

I will exhibit the works I have drawn so far with the theme of "story".This time, unlike the usual exhibition works, I will exhibit a large size giclee print.We hope that you will enjoy the fantasy world that is deeply embedded in each piece.



BLK GALLERY is a unique art concept which bridges Tokyo and New York through exceptional artists.

BLK GALLERY have a window gallery located on a trendy cobblestone shopping street in Tokyo, Koenji as well as a minimalist gallery in Greenpoint, Brooklyn New York.

Art work exhibited at both Tokyo and NY locations feature the same artist, theme and on the same dates.However, art pieces differ between the locations.

Please note that art work is sold only through our online shop.


Tokyo Suginami Koenjikita 2-35-11-102

192 Nassau Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11222

instagram account : @blk.gallery


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